
Thursday, 3 April 2014

Bomb Cosmetics Bath Bomb

I am not one to have baths that often, but when I do, I want to make an occasion of it. When I got back from holiday a couple of weeks a go, I wanted to get my little seven year old sister a little present, and at work we have these really cute bath bombs made by a company called 'Bomb Cosmetics' that kids cannot keep their hands off of. We recently had some extra cute ones come in with rainbows and sparkles on, so I thought I would get her some (and then use one myself) I bought four in a box for £10, and got some really sweet designs. The smell of these things altogether is amazing, but individually they all have a really good scent. I chose this little button bath bomb called 'Button Moon' (aww!), as it smelt like coconut which is a smell I cannot resist! The best thing about these bath bombs is that they are completely natural, and are made with essential oils. Although they may look full of chemicals, they are completely harmless, and can be used on little kiddies sensitive skins. 'Button Moon' had cocoa and shea butter, and coconut and jasmine essential oils to give it the lovely smell.

The bath bomb was so pretty, I was actually quite sad to part with it, but when in the bath, it left a creamy residue in the bath, and I cannot explain how soft my skin felt afterwards. As the bombs are made with oils I would just suggest washing the bath down after so the next person doesn't slip, but other that, it is all fun, harmless fun.

Here is a link to the Bomb Cosmetics website to see more of the thousands of designs they do, and also take a look on my instagram account to see the other bath bombs I bought, and also for the effect it had in the bath. If you have an account, do follow my page for more regular updates :)

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